Thursday, December 11, 2008

Negativity In Writing

I am no Pollyanna. I certainly have known my share of pain, have seen more anger than I want, realize the world can be a cruel, viscious place. But I write about people who struggle with diffculties with positive characteristics like determination, the ability to connect with others, the belief that things can and will be better.

But somewhere along the line, the negativity that used to be reserved for the antagonists in stories, what needs to be overcome, has crossed the line into something desireable. Protaganists are bitter, cynical, sarcastic, etc. There is an underlying positiveness in that they overcome real evil of some kind, but any positve effect on their characters is transitory at best - they remain cynical.

Maybe it's just what I read. I get the feeling fantasy, which I don't read, is based on positive characters who overcome difficulties to become even more positive.

Two questions then: Am I right, and if so, why is that optimistic view of people reserved for fantasy stories? Has the real world actually become populated by peo0ple who find the other characters entertaining and worth emulating?

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