Thursday, January 15, 2009

Moving On

When contemplating making a change in your life, sometimes a person is stuck, mired in confusion and unable to make a decision. When that mental fog is so thick it seems impenetrable and there are many possibilities, all of which seem equally good or bad, making a choice seems impossible. And sometimes that confusion is almost like a defence not to change. Deep down, it might feel better to stay where you are, however difficult that might be, than venture into something that is largely unknown - no matter how carefully we might think something through, there are so many variables beyond our control (like other people) it can become one of those 'Better the devil you know' things.

When you realize that's where you're at, doing something is necessary. If you really can't decide, pick anything, a random choice if necessary. If it isn't right, you will know before too long and you can try something else. If you do nothing, you could find yourself ten years later still in the same place, mired in the same confusion and indecision.

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